Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

French Breakfast

24th June 2015

French Breakfast

Lundi 22 juin, les filles de la Troisième Année (et leurs professeurs) ont mangé leur Petit Déjeuner à la Française! Mmm… Délicieux! Much fun was had by all and everyone came dressed up for the occasion. We had girls wearing the colours of the ‘tricolore’, and also some more creative outfits such as an Eiffel Tower, a baguette, Marie Curie and her microscope, a cancan dancer, some ballerinas, a mime artist, a chef, and French men with impressive moustaches!

After singing a few songs in French, the girls had to order their breakfast in French saying “je peux avoir de la brioche, s’il vous plaît?” or “je peux avoir un croissant avec de la confiture, s’il vous plaît?”, all washed down with copious amounts of ‘chocolat chaud’. They all spoke beautifully, with impeccable French accents. Their teachers all looked the part too! Bravo, les filles!

Do watch this short film (full screen with the sound on) to see the highlights!

Mme Anne Spikes

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