Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.


Years 1 and 2 builds on the foundations of The Early Years and is a truly exciting place to be. Children have so much fun that they do not even realise they are learning.

In Years 1 and 2 we follow a creative curriculum to stimulate the children’s interests and learning through different topics. The creative curriculum topics each term are carefully chosen by the teaching team to capture the children’s imagination and form the basis for much of their learning in English, Science, History, Geography and The Arts. 

Maths skills are taught and developed with a strong emphasis on applying skills through investigations and word problems. We promote active learning and encourage a high level of pupil engagement in each lesson.

Reading, Spelling and Maths homework are set on a regular basis. Physical activities are highly valued in the curriculum and the boys and girls have the opportunity to develop their skills through lessons and a wide range of extra-curricular clubs.

We promote being part of a team and working together and I believe this is very evident throughout the whole of Pre-Prep. Kindness is valued, practised and taught which inspires children to have a go and learn from their mistakes. We encourage resilience and increasing levels of independence within a safe and caring environment.

The children enjoy a number of educational visits to enhance their learning. Opportunities to take part in year group assemblies, plays and concerts throughout the year provide the children with the chance to share their learning with others.

Mrs Pippa McConnell
Head of Pre-Prep


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