Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.
Prep student playing violin


Music is a really exciting place to be at The Manor. Every child is given the opportunity to discover, explore and enjoy music as part of their curriculum. All classes from Pre-Nursery to Year 6 have two half hour music lessons each week, which include singing, movement, playing instruments, music technology, listening and composition.

We are extremely lucky to have such wonderful facilities, boasting two large classrooms and five practice rooms- plenty of room to accommodate our 15 visiting music teachers each week. We offer instrumental tuition in the following areas which is available for our Year 2 (with arrangement) to Year 6 children.


Instruments from Year 2 currently offered include:

  • Guitar
  • Harp
  • Flute
  • Clarinet
  • Bass Guitar
  • Cello
  • Recorder
  • Violin
  • Cornet
  • Singing
  • Drum Kit*
  • Piano*
  • Double Bass

* Must have the instrument at home

Approximately 40% of the Prep School learn an instrument weekly and a number of our children learn more than one instrument. To cater for their ever growing needs we have a whole host of extra curricular activities that we run weekly, before and after school as well as lunchtime. It is fair to say that the Music department at The Manor is extremely busy all year round and there is always something for everyone. Our extra curricular activities include: a variety of choirs, two orchestras, harp ensemble, string ensemble, woodwind groups, grade 5 music theory club to name just a few. We also support students who are preparing for music examinations and we run termly sessions with music examination boards.

Throughout the year, children show what they have been learning by working towards regular performances for the school and parents. Specific highlights include the Harvest Festival, Year 1 and 2 Christingle, Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception Nativity Play, Plays for Year 2 and Year 4, Early Years and Year 1 and 2 Music Show and Tell.

Extra-curricular clubs and performances

There are a variety of different music clubs for Pre-Prep children to get involved with. These include Singing Club, Ukulele Club, Recorder Beginners and Piano Beginners.

Throughout the year, children show what they have been learning by working towards performances for the school and the parents. Specific highlights include the Harvest Festival, Year 1 and 2 Christingle, Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception Nativity Play, Year 2 Play, Early Years and Year 1 and 2 Music Show and Tell.

Please visit our Photo Galleries to see photos of many of our performances.



We look forward to meeting you and for more information about Music at The Manor, please contact our Director of Music, Lara Rawlings



Where Next


To book your place, visit our admissions page or email