Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.
Child climbing trees

Forest School

All the children from Nursery to Year 4 have the opportunity to enjoy Forest School here at The Manor. The frequency of the sessions provide the children with an ever-changing yet familiar and safe environment in which to learn. We go to Forest School whatever the weather and the children are encouraged to take responsibility to dress themselves accordingly.

There is a strong emphasis on the children being in charge of their own learning at Forest School. This provides them with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate new skills they have learned outside of the classroom and make new friends as well as enabling them to have some quality well-being time outside.

The experiences offered ensure that every aspect of a child’s learning is supported and developed and cover all areas of the curriculum. Most importantly, Forest School is a fun place to be, where activities include: playing hide and seek, mixing in the mud kitchen, building shelters, cooking on a campfire, pond dipping, making bird feeders and many more. The generous staff/child ratio enables children to take supported risks and to build resilience. These are skills they can take back to their learning in the classroom.

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