Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.
young school children


Our Pre-Nursery offers a wonderful introduction to nursery life in a happy, calm and well resourced setting with its own self-contained garden, messy play area and cosy indoor playroom. 

The Manor’s Pre-Nursery is for 2-3 years olds and we welcome children at the start of the term after their second birthday (September, January or April). The children then move up to Nursery in the September after they turn 3.

Our team of dedicated and experienced staff offer a warm, caring and stimulating environment and ensure your child has the very best start to their Manor journey. The emphasis is very much on settling in, possibly leaving parents for the first time, and building relationships with the staff and other children through play and interaction. Depending on their attendance pattern, the children have the opportunity for specialist sessions in PE, Music as well as Library visits. The children take part in whole school events when appropriate so they start to gain a clear sense that they are part of a community.

Each child has a Key Person who supports them and their family through this vital transition. Children all settle at different rates and your Key Person will arrange visits directly with you. We recommend a minimum of two sessions a week in Pre-Nursery to give children the opportunity to settle fully and form friendships. Before they move to Nursery, they will have weekly visits to become familiar with the new environment and staff. This makes the transition seamless.

Healthy snacks and milk are provided every day as well as lunch for children attending either for the full day or for a long morning.

Pre-Nursery session timings and Wraparound Care

  • We offer a full day, a short morning or a long morning:
    • A full day runs from 8:30am to 3:30pm
    • A short morning runs from 8:30am to 12:00pm and does not include lunch
    • A long morning runs from 8:30am to 1:00pm and includes lunch
  • There is a bookable Breakfast Club, from 7:30am-8:00am, for children aged 3 or over.  Please visit our Fees page to find the charge for this
  • Early Birds runs from 8:00am to 8:30am.  This can be used by 2 year olds, once settled, with agreement from their Key Person
  • Pre-Extended Day runs from 3:30pm to 4:00pm.  This can be used by 2 year olds, once settled, with agreement from their Key Person
  • Extended Day runs from 4:00pm to 5:30pm, for children aged 3 and over

Where Next


To book your place, visit our admissions page or email