The carefully planned progression of developing skills in Design Technology gives the children the opportunity to explore ideas, solve problems and Experiment. All of which give them a sense of pride in their work and helps to high standards.
Appropriate activities are chosen to aid their skills and understanding. The children are guided by the teacher, but ultimately encouraged to think for themselves in order to become confident decision makers.
Each class in the Prep Department enjoys a double lesson a week, which is taught in half groups – half doing DT and the other half doing Food Technology. They change over at half term.
Much of the children’s work is displayed throughout the school for everyone to enjoy and all of their projects can be taken home at the end of the academic year.
In Years 3 and 4, the children follow a course that covers a wide range of design skills, complementing, where appropriate, their form topics.
The aim is to provide the children with a range of activities in which they learn to use a wider selection of tools, equipment and materials to develop their capability to solve various practical problems.
Projects could include: Levers, small vehicles, topical and 3D work covering cross-curricular activities (History, Geography, Maths and Science). The use of Lego/STEM construction kits to demonstrate levers, wheels & axles, gears and cogs.
Projects could include: Wooden photo frames, topical and 3D work covering cross-curricular activities (History, Geography, Maths and Science), Egyptian sarcophagus, recycled rainforest birds & insects, balloon powered vehicles and the use of K’Nex construction kits to demonstrate a selection of different mechanisms.
In Years 5 and 6 the children follow a course that covers a wide range of design skills and techniques.
We encourage the children to explore the world of Design using other media, such as the internet, to support their work and their evaluations of projects.
The aim in Year 5 and 6 is to provide the children with a range of activities in which they extend their knowledge of using different tools and equipment, and to further develop their capability to solve various practical problems in their activities. Appropriate projects are chosen to aid their skills, knowledge and understanding.
Working in small groups, the children start the year designing and constructing an adventure playground model. They then move on to woodwork and creating a desk tidy, mobile phone holder or marble maze. During these project the children learn to use an electric drill, electric fret saws, bench sanding machine and a variety of hand tools.
When using K’Nex construction kits the children enjoy designing and building models which run off if renewable energy such as solar power, wind power and water power. In doing so, they can use computer control models and are able to include motors to power them.
Moving on to Year 6, the children improve upon the skills they have learnt in previous years to work with different materials. In woodwork their topics may include CAM models, clocks and revolving toys. In textiles they enjoy creating felt appliqué cushions. When producing three dimensional work the children create acrylic or wood pencil holders and wind chimes.
All of these projects will include using tools they are already familiar with from Year 5. In addition, they will also have the opportunity to use the oven and wire strip heater for their work in plastics and acrylics.
We are delighted that The Manor has joined the prestigious Artsmark Award and has been awarded the silver status. Artsmark is The Arts Council England’s award for schools who champion The Arts. As an Artsmark school we actively celebrate across the curriculum including Art, Design Technology, Music and Drama.