Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.
Early Years at The Manor

Early Years

Welcome to the Early Years!

Early Years at The Manor has its children at the heart of all we do. We promise a warm and loving atmosphere where children can reach their full potential during their very important early years.

Each classroom is designed to ensure the children make progress in all areas of learning. We are passionate about providing high quality play experiences that inspire and motivate the children so they can all progress at their own rate and also direct their own learning in a creative and imaginative way.

Our well qualified and experienced team will support your child to develop positive relationships from their very first visit. They take care to really get to know your children, bond with them and identify their strengths and the areas where they need more support. Settling in procedures and the transition from one age group to the next are carefully considered according to the children’s needs. Staff encourage children to be risk takers and learn from their mistakes and they celebrate those that try something new and reward those that persevere in their learning as much as their individual achievements. Being part of the school community means our children get a chance to work with some specialist teachers from an early age as well as the opportunity to have regular Forest School sessions.

We pride ourselves on building strong relationships with parents so we can work together to support your children.

We hope all children will become confident, motivated and independent learners who are not only creative but critical thinkers.

I look forward to meeting you and your children.

Pippa McConnell
Head of Pre-Prep

Where Next


To book your place, visit our admissions page or email