Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.
happy school girl at Manor Prep


All children in the Prep Department have a weekly Drama lesson with the Head of Drama. They are given the opportunity to develop their performance skills, explore a range of texts and work collaboratively with their peers to make creative choices. 

Year 3

In Year 3, the children cover a range of drama skills, including mime and tableaux work, through which they will begin to gain greater control over their bodies and demonstrate their performance skills. They also study alternative fairy tales, Aesop’s Fables and performance poetry. Throughout the year, the children are given many opportunities to develop their collaboration skills and perform scenes with their peers.

Year 4

During the Spring Term, the children in Year 4 enjoy performing a year group play to their parents as well as a French Assembly. They will also learn about how to understand and develop characters by exploring the use of facial expressions, body language and vocal skills. The children will continue to develop their performance skills, collaboratively devise scenes and explore texts including ‘Charlie And The Chocolate Factory’ as well as a range of poetry.

Year 5

Activities in Year 5 Drama encourage pupils to not only practise their acting but to also think as a director. They are encouraged to find ways of developing their settings and create atmospheres, for example, through the use of soundscapes. They are encouraged to devise communities in which their stories are set; exploring and evolving characters by inventing personalities and traits. They will explore ways of creating and resolving conflict, as well as how to build tension and stage an engaging performance. Throughout all these activities pupils’ are developing so many skills but most notably their analytical and communication skills, whilst having lots of fun! 

In the Spring Term, a highlight is planning, acting, filming and editing their own mini-movies, inspired by classic melodramas.

Year 6

In the Spring and Summer terms of their final year at The Manor, Year 6 work towards their Year 6 play which is presented in the Summer Term. The process involves a reading of the play, ‘auditions’, singing workshops and then the two-week ‘blitz’ rehearsal period. This approach works very well for larger productions. This production is the culmination of all the drama skills that the children have acquired during their time at school. The Year 6 Play is a real spectacle that is eagerly anticipated by children, staff and parents, and is always thoroughly enjoyed by all.

In lessons, the children will also work on their drama skills and study performance poetry.

Where Next


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