Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.
happy school girl at Manor Prep


All children in the Prep Department have a weekly Drama lesson with the Head of Drama. Highlights of the school year include reciting readings for the annual Carol Concert in December and the opportunity to take part in the bi-annual Poetry Festival.

Year 3

In Year 3, each class will present a class assembly to the school and their parents. They will also cover drama skills, alternative fairy tales, the story of Peter Pan, Aesop’s Fables and performance poetry.

Year 4

During the Spring Term, the children in Year 4 enjoy performing a year group play to parents as well as a French Assembly. The will also learn about drama skills, understanding characters, performance poetry and study Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Year 5

In the Spring and Summer terms, the Year 5 children work towards their performance of the Year 5 Arts Festival which is presented in the Summer Term. This production is written and devised in English and Drama lessons and is rehearsed during Drama lessons. It is finally put together in just two days, including technical and dress rehearsals and a performance to parents, and the school, in the afternoon of the second day.

The children will also study the story of Fantastic Mr Fox, Romeo and Juliet and/or Macbeth and different performance poetry.

Year 6

In the Spring and Summer terms of their final year at The Manor, Year 6 work towards their Year 6 play which is presented in the Summer Term. The process involves a reading of the play, ‘auditions’, singing workshops and then the two-week ‘blitz’ rehearsal period. This approach works very well for larger productions. This production is the culmination of all the drama skills that the children have acquired during their time at school. The Year 6 Play is a real spectacle that is eagerly anticipated by children, staff and parents, and is always thoroughly enjoyed by all.

In lessons, the children will also work on their drama skills and study performance poetry.

We are delighted that The Manor has joined the prestigious Artsmark Award and has been awarded the silver status. Artsmark is The Arts Council England’s award for schools who champion The Arts. As an Artsmark school we actively celebrate across the curriculum including Art, Design Technology, Music and Drama.

Where Next

Whole School Open Day- Saturday 28 September 2024, 10:00am – 12:30pm


To book your place, visit our admissions page or email