Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.
Manor Prep student in an ICT lesson

Computing & Information Technology

Year 3

Year 4

The Manor is a Google school, and the use of G-Suite is now embedded in the way we work, with all pupils in the Prep Department having their own login from Year 3.

We want pupils to feel confident in their use of ICT and excited by the possibilities it offers. Each Prep class has an ICT lesson once a week, in which the focus is on coding and computer science. Computing is also used creatively throughout the school to enable, support and enhance all our main curriculum subjects.

We are moving towards having a class set of chrome-books in every Year 3 to 6 form room and have already seen how this technology has transformed teaching and learning. We also have three dedicated computer suites and a number of Ipads which can be used with whole classes. These resources are reviewed and updated regularly to reflect the fast pace of technological progress.

To enable pupils to make the best use of our computers, the school subscribes to “Nessy Online” allowing pupils to practice touch-typing skills on any school computer, laptop or Chromebook, and also at home.

In this fast-evolving world, our pupils’ safety online is paramount. Esafety is addressed regularly in ICT and PSHEE lessons as well as through visits from Childnet International representatives, who conduct workshops for pupils, staff and parents. The websites for Childnet and Thinkuknow (run by CEOP, part of the National Crime Agency) offer comprehensive advice on internet safety for parents and carers.

Where Next

Whole School Open Day- Saturday 28 September 2024, 10:00am – 12:30pm


To book your place, visit our admissions page or email