10th March 2016
A carnival-style opening ceremony set the tone for a lively day spent learning about countries from all over the world and deepening our respect for their cultures and beliefs.
Each section of the school explored a different continent. Every class found out about individual countries and wore the colours of that flag for the day. The Early Years’ continent was Africa and so some of the youngest children in the school dressed up as lions, tigers and other wild animals too!
Brilliant activities were planned for the children who moved from language learning, cooking, creative arts and singing in a spirit of excitement and adventure. The music and dance were breathtaking! African drumming for Nursery and Pre-Nursery and dance routines from Africa, North and South America, Russia, Greece and China for the children in Reception to Y6. Our visiting dance expert, Rebecca, prepared seven fabulous dance routines over the course of the day which the boys and girls loved.
At lunchtime we were all transported into a cosmopolitan hawker market where our wonderful catering staff had prepared delicious dishes from all over the world.
The children in Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 shared their experiences of the day in a superb Show and Tell Assembly on Friday morning whilst the children in Years 3-6 re-grouped at the end of Culture Day for an inspirational display of their electrifying dances.
The boys, girls and adults alike embraced the day with enthusiasm and a willingness to explore. We all had a wonderful time and I would like to thank everyone for their energy and goodwill.
Mrs Victoria Evans
Head of PSHEE