Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Manor Mummies Re-Unite!

11th March 2016

On Friday I was delighted to be invited to a convivial chat in the Dining Room, the other guests were very special – Manor mummies and members of staff who were also pupils here. 

Over coffee and biscuits, out came some old whole school photographs so there was much chatter over “name that teacher” and “look at that haircut!”.  There were some common stories surrounding the concrete mushrooms that used to be in the playground, tales regaled of sitting on them and jumping over them – sadly they are long since gone.  Another common thread was everyone’s dislike for quiche – it must have been really bad in earlier times to manage to put everyone off it for life! 

The Manor’s history book was well-thumbed as pieces of The Manor’s history were unravelled around the table.  It was a privilege to be included in such a special morning and we hope that we can do it more often; we are sure there are more mummies out there who were once pupils – please do join us next time.

Please visit our Alumni page for more information and photos.

Mrs Karen Copson
Director of Admissions and Communications

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