Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

The Corinium Museum

10th October 2016

Year 3 recently enjoyed a trip to the Corinium Museum in Cirencester.

See the photos here.

We had so much fun looking around the museum at all the artefacts including a Roman Soldier, a Roman House, Mosaics, Jewellery and models of Celtic people. We enjoyed a workshop in which we were able to dress up as Romans, learn about Roman Food, make mosaics and play the Roman games of Calculi and Knucklebones. We also had a chance to write our names in Latin and watch a film about real Roman people. 

Thank you so much to  the Corinium Museum and our wonderful parent helpers.

Mrs Kerry Hayward-Moss
Year 3 Teacher


Where Next


To book your place, visit our admissions page or email