Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Christmas at The Manor

13th December 2016

The Manor’s Christmas festivities began this year with Year 1 and 2 treating the school and their parents to a beautifully atmospheric Christingle service. This was swiftly followed by two absolutely enchanting Nativity plays. First the Pre-Nursery and Nursery gave us “The Tiptoe Nativity” which they sang and performed splendidly. A remarkable feat not least because it was the first time they had all acted together! The following Nativity performed by the Reception children “Whoops-a-Daisy Angel” was delightful in every way and the children’s self-confidence and skill at singing really shone through.

See all the Christmas photos here.
Then, on a wintery Sunday morning, our Upper School Choir sang their carols beautifully at Blenheim Palace. Extraordinarily there was a real life marriage proposal in between two of their songs – thankfully the proposal was successful!
The final week of term was wonderfully festive with Christmas parties, Christmas Crafts, Christmas lunches, pantomimes and the largest Birthday Break I’ve had the pleasure to attend. I was thrilled to be presented with the winning Christmas jumper from the FOTM Gift Fair competition: the winning design was by Evie in 6J and beautifully created by Mrs Blake. Thank you VERY much.
Our term was brought to a close on Thursday evening with the Year 3-6 Carol Service at St Helen’s Church in Abingdon. The children sang exceptionally under the guidance of Mrs Woodall and the highly original readings were performed confidently by all. Thank you to all the staff involved with making the service a success and to FOTM for preparing the church so beautifully with their decorations!
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Piers Heyworth

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