Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Trip to the Globe and Tate Modern in London

23rd February 2017

Year 6 had an exciting trip to London to visit the Tate Modern and The Globe Theatre. 

See the photos here.

Our time in each of these two creative establishments was brilliant: we perused the galleries at the Tate, drawing and discussing works of interest; we were intrigued by Phillipe Parreno’s sensory installation in the Turbine Hall entitled ‘Anywhen’; we were delighted to see actors rehearsing  the Taming of the Shrew in The Globe Theatre and thoroughly enjoyed our drama workshop on A Midsummer Night’s Dream as the characters Helena and Demetrius.

Thank you to the girls, who were so well-behaved, curious and enthusiastic throughout the day.  

Mrs Anike Chuard
Head of English   


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