Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Success at Young Art Oxford 2017

17th March 2017

students holding their certificates for art
The Manor Prep School has wowed the judges of Young Art Oxford this year.
Out of over 3000 entries from Oxfordshire Schools we have had 17 pieces chosen to go into an auspicious exhibition of around 400 works at The Ashmolean in May 2017. We have 5 commended pieces, 2 highly commended and one 3rd prize – an honour indeed.  The theme of ‘The World We Live In’  provoked thoughtful and interesting responses, giving us all an insight into how our children see the world today.  

Congratulations to all the children who participated in the competition, it made for fantastic viewing.  We hope you will find time to go and enjoy the selected works, which will be on show in The Ashmolean on Friday 5th May (10am – 5pm) and Saturday 6th May (10am – 4pm).

Mrs Sue Side
Head of Art

Young Art Oxford 2017 Young Art Oxford 2017


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