The children are in groups in maths lessons and are designing cookies to package, cost and sell.
They started by choosing a section of the school as their target audience: EYFS, Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4, Years 5 and 6 or staff. They then designed and carried out a questionnaire to find out what their target audience would like in a cookie.
Using results from these they designed 2 cookies using a basic recipe and adding extra ingredients. They have started costing the ingredients for both and begun researching packaging ideas.
Today was the taste testing of the 2 cookies with their target audience and from the information collected from this they will make a final choice of cookie to produce, cost and package. They will make their final cookie design in school after half term with the help of their Maths teachers and Mrs Duff.
Mrs Jane Williams
Head of Years 5 and 6