Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Year 1 French Goûter

25th May 2017

On Wednesday 24 May, Year 1 children discovered a snack with a difference: the French ‘Goûter’ (or French Tea)! Mrs Bicarregui had prepared small sections of baguettes filled with squares of chocolate, a traditional French snack young children have in France for their afternoon tea when they come home from school. This was of course washed down water and Grenadine (what else?) Mmmm… Délicieux! Henri in 1W was heard saying ‘This is the best day of my life!’, whilst other children asked ‘When are we having French Goûter again?’ Quel triomphe! 
Mme Spikes and Mme Bicarregui
Head of French, Verbal/Non-Verbal Reasoning and Latin and Year 2 French teacher

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