Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Pre-Nursery Explore ‘The World Around Us’

28th September 2017

Pre-Nursery have had a busy time learning about their topic ‘The World Around Us’. 

See the photos here

At the start of the week, The Manor’s Minibus Driver, Mr O’Neill, brought three adorable five week old kittens in for us to hold and to learn about caring for them. 
At the end of the week, a policeman came to visit. The children were able to explore his police car and were even allowed to put the sirens on – what a noise it made in the playground!
Yesterday, we all walked to the Abingdon Library and learnt about borrowing books. We then bought snack from the Farmer’s Market to help us learn about money and the need to pay for things we would like.

Miss Tracy Heath
Pre-Nursery Coordinator

Where Next


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