Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Year 3's Trip to Hazard Alley

25th January 2018

As part of our personal safety learning, Year 3 have enjoyed actively taking part in real life scenarios on our trip to The Safety Centre, ‘Hazard Alley’, Milton Keynes.

One of the key experiences for the children was to make a 999 call (to an on-site operator). This was from a phone box without adult assistance, in response to a fire, an incidence on a train line, an accident by a lake and an injury.

The children were able to move around a series of roads using various crossings safely, as well as being made aware of the hazards around them. These valuable experiences will be discussed further in our PSHEE lessons. 

Miss Ellard; Miss Holland; Mrs Plater
Year 3 Form Teachers

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