Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

A Week of Science Fun!

9th March 2018

At the beginning of the week Year 6 enjoyed their surprise Forensics Day. The children became Crime Scene Investigators and solved the shocking crime of stolen DT equipment here at The Manor.

To see all the photos, click here

We were delighted to welcome the team from Explorer Dome to The Manor on Thursday. All the children from Y2 to Y5, in turn, squeezed through the tunnel entrance of the dome into a new and exciting scientific world. The Y2 Forces show included pushes and pulls, friction, mysterious magnets and the fun of rocket power. The children in Y3 learned about light and colour, what light is and where it comes from, how it travels and how we see it. The Digestion show for Y4 was graphic in its detail, tracing the journey of our food through our bodies. The children loved it! 
On Friday the Y5 children enjoyed a thrilling Chemistry show which complemented their work on chemical reactions with the Abingdon Science Partnership.

It was exciting to see how engaged our children were with their Science this week. 

Mrs Jane Williams
Head of Science



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