Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Easter Netball and Lacrosse Fun

26th April 2018

At the end of the Easter break and in the glorious April heat wave, nine Year 5 children attended Wycombe Abbey’s exciting morning of competitive netball and inspirational lacrosse coaching led by England’s Lacrosse’s co-captain, Laura Merrifield.

The day started with the netball tournament  with 10 teams all playing each other. Our Manor children improved greatly from start to finish, and were placed 5th overall.  After a quick refuel, the children took part in a masterclass of a lacrosse taster session. Our Manor children absolutely loved the experience and quickly picked up the variety of essential skills required! 

A special mention to Ceci B who was awarded most outstanding netball player for The Manor, voted for by the Wycombe Abbey umpires. Ceci was presented with a prize in the form of a signed lacrosse ball.
A huge thank you to Wycombe Abbey for inviting us, to the following girls for competing and taking part so brilliantly, and to the parents for their support on the day.
Ceci B
Saffy B
Elsa W
Sophia H
Ella C
Kate G
Juliet B
Freya H
Luci F-Y
We very much look forward to attending again next year!
Rhonda Forbes
Head of Sport & PE

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