Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Year 5 Trip to Osmington Bay

25th May 2018

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Osmington Bay
Our time at PGL in Osmington was amazing this year. We went on giant swings, crawled through tunnels; made fires and dens in Survival; climbed climbing walls and had very competitive dragon boat races! In the evening we travelled around the world finding countries on the PGL site and sang songs by the campfire. Everyone faced their fears and did brilliantly, whether that was heights, claustrophobia or staying away from home for two nights. Well done to all the girls!

Lulworth Cove
Our visit on Friday to the stunning Lulworth Cove was extraordinary. The children were amazed by the cliff formations as well as the effect that coastal erosion has had on the changing coastline. Lulworth Cove is the shape of a perfect scallop shell and there are only three other coves that are this exact shape in the world! The Jurassic Coast is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. After a brief, but fascinating, explanation of the five different types of rock that make up the Jurassic Coast, we toured the coastline, taking in the sights of Stair Hole, Lulworth Cove itself and finally embarked on the long climb up to spectacular Durdle Door. Seeing its prominent arch appear over the brow of the hill was breathtaking and many of the children exclaimed how amazing it was to see in real life after seeing it in a text book. The children answered questions brilliantly and our rangers remarked that they were one of the best groups they had had all year and spoke very highly of their behaviour and enthusiasm. Well done Year 5!

The Year 5 Team

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