Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Forest School Camp Out

3rd July 2018

Last Friday the Year 5 Forest School Club made their way to the Forest School site and set up camp for the night.
When we arrived at Forest School there were lots of jobs to do: setting up camp, organising the kit, cooking supper and even putting up a tent for the loo!  Mr Jackson took charge of the fire and it was soon hot enough to get our supper sausages sizzling.  Miss Francis was in charge of the baked bean stew and before long we had a feast.  During the evening we had several visitors: Mrs Evans popped in for supper, Mr Stepney came and checked we were all ok and Mrs Mentzel surprised us by coming to read us her favourite story, The Tiger Who Came to Tea.  Luckily the fire stayed hot enough for us to enjoy unlimited toasted marshmallows and s’mores.
It’s fair to say it wasn’t an early night and we were all awake in our tents by 5.30am, when we were shocked to find it was quite cold, so it made perfect sense to light the fire and start the day with hot chocolate.  Breakfast followed, all cooked on the camp fire and everyone tucked into bacon and Mrs Dashwood’s pancakes.  All too soon it was time to take the tents down, pack up camp and go home.
We were really impressed by all the girls who entered the spirit of the camp and took part in all aspects from putting up tents, washing up and even finding time for some mud kitchen play.  Everyone agreed that we had been very lucky to enjoy such an amazing and fun Forest School experience and to be the first ever Manor campers!
Mrs Dashwood, Mr Jackson and Miss Francis
Forest School Leaders

Where Next


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