Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

New Sports Hall

3rd September 2018

After a gruelling 12 months of snow, high winds, rain and a heat wave, work has finally been completed on the new state of the art Sports Hall here at The Manor.

The Sports Hall is an impressive, yet beautiful, inside space for children to take part in various sporting activities as well as sports clubs and PE lessons. It boasts large changing rooms equipped with lockers and showers, full disabled access, a kitchenette and office spaces.

Great pride has been taken when building the new 1168m² structure, which boasts over 6 miles of wooden ceiling batons and 4.8 tonnes of stone columns painstakingly (and proudly) completed by just one stonemason (that’s 1298 stones, plus another 698 for added detail around the Sports Hall!).

The children at The Manor have watched the Sports Hall grow over the last 12 months and cannot wait to get inside and start using it!

Where Next


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