Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Year 3 and 4 Prayer Spaces

24th April 2019

At the end of the Spring Term, the children in Year 3 and Year 4 enjoyed a calming hour of their day to pause and just ‘be’ as The Barn was transformed into six contemplation zones.

Prayer Space workshops were created to encourage the children to think about their own feelings, their families and friends as well as others around the world.  They were invited to write prayers, messages, thoughts and drawings in response to the themes of ‘Sorry’, ‘Thanks’, ‘Others’, ‘Please’, ‘Hope’ and ‘Kapumpe’, our charity-linked school.

The children wrote messages of Hope in our Easter Garden as we remembered the hope that Easter brings, they watched upset ‘fizz’ away in our sorry section, wrote messages on luggage labels to pass forward to the children in Kapumpe, Zambia and created a growing paper chain of ‘thank you’s’ to honour important people in their lives. Examples of their work can currently be viewed in The Manor House.

Miss Georgina Ellard
Head of Religious Education

Where Next


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