Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

The Manor’s Year 6 Pupils Move on to Senior School

22nd June 2021

For the second year running our Year 6 pupils have experienced a very different finale to their time at The Manor; working in COVID-safe ‘bubbles’ whilst in school, remote learning for almost a whole term and in some cases dealing with remote entrance exams and interviews for their Senior Schools.  Yet again, they have done us proud; impressing with their resilience and positivity and once again they have received a fantastic set of results.

This year we are delighted to see our Year 6 pupils moving on to a fantastic variety of outstanding Senior Schools including The School of St Helen and St Katharine, Oxford High, Headington, Cranford House, d’Overbroeck’s, and Our Lady’s.

This year, the 51 pupils in Year 6 have been awarded 11 Scholarships, Exhibitions and Awards between them across a variety of disciplines, ranging from Academic to Sport, Art and Drama.

Headmaster Alastair Thomas comments;

“Our Year 6 pupils have impressed us all with a wonderful set of results achieved under truly challenging circumstances.  As adults we have much to learn from this younger generation whose flexibility and adaptability have seen them step up to every challenge presented over the last 12 months.  The skills which they have developed, both inside and outside the classroom, will make them a real force to be reckoned with as they move on through their educational journey.”

It has been wonderful to be able to reward all of these efforts and achievements with a number of trips and activities which we were unfortunately unable to offer this time last year.  The children are busily working on rehearsals and preparations for their Year 6 play and we are delighted to say that although we cannot send them on the traditional Year 6 trip to France, they will be enjoying a three day PGL trip to Osmington Bay in Dorset.  We are also looking forward to delivering our annual Leavers’ Assembly and Prize-Giving; an important rite of passage for these children as they head off to Senior School.

We would like to congratulate all of our Manor pupils on their exceptional hard work and positive attitudes during these challenging times and we wish our Year 6’s every success as they make the transition to Year 7.


For more information please contact:
Becky Goodwin, EA to the Headmaster on


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