Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.
4 Manor Prep students sat on a bench

Admissions Forms for Years 3 to 6

Please complete the below forms before your child’s first day of school. These forms are for all children joining in Years 3 to 6. Please ensure you click submit after each individual form, thank you.

1. Medical Information and Consent
2. Emergency Contacts
3. Paying School Fees
4. Paying by Direct Debit
5. Photography Policy and Permission
6. Permission for another adult to collect my child from school
7. Trips/Circulation of Details Permissions
8. Ethnic Background
9. E-safety and Acceptable Use Acknowledgment Form
10. Chromebook Agreement
11. Swimming Competency
12. Final Consent Form – to be printed and returned to The Manor

Medical Information and Consent

Please be advised, this is a long form with many required fields marked with a red star. If a required field is left incomplete the form will not submit to the School Office.

Medical History


Has this allergy been diagnosed by a doctor? If so, please provide a letter from the practitioner detailing the condition and any diet/information sheets received. Hard copies can be sent to the school or emails can be forwarded to

The AAI must be supplied to the school in its original packaging labelled by the GP, in date and bear the name of the child to whom it refers.

Permission to administer The Manor's Emergency Adrenaline Auto Injector (AAI)

This permission is valid until my/our child leaves the school.

Dietary Requirements

If for medical reasons, please request and complete the Holroyd Howe form from our School Nurse so that the kitchen can be informed. Email


Please complete a 'Request to give Medication' form when handing in medication to the School Nurse. This form can be found on the school website or in the School Office. For Pre-Nursery and Nursery children please liaise with your child's Key Person.

If you require the school to administer any medication during the school day, it will only be administered if the 'Request to give Medication' form has been completed and signed by a parent. For Prescribed Medication and Pharmacy Recommended Medication the medicine must be in date, in its original packaging and with clear dosage and storage instructions. It must be labelled by the GP/Pharmacy and must bear the name of the child to whom it refers.

Permission to administer Calpol Infant Suspension/Calpol 6+/Piriton

If my/our child is obviously in distress from an allergic reaction, high temperature, or is in pain we/I give permission for the school to administer Calpol/Piriton. The school will contact you by telephone to confirm this before administering the medication on each occasion.

This permission is valid until my/our child leaves the school.

We agree to inform the school if at any time there are contra-indications to the above medicine.

Consent for Emergency Salbutamol Inhaler for children diagnosed by a doctor with asthma

Consent for Emergency Treatment

To ensure all staff are aware of your child’s medical/dietary needs, their photograph will be circulated to all relevant staff and displayed in the appropriate areas of the school. Please contact the School Nurse if you would prefer this not to happen.

Emergency Contacts

First Parent/Guardian

eg: Work

Second Parent/Guardian

eg: Work

Third Contact - to be used in an emergency and must be UK based

eg: Work

Paying School Fees

Fee accounts are payable in advance and due by the first day of each term.

  • 1. Termly Direct Debit
    The amount due for school fees paid by termly direct debit will be collected from your bank on the first day of each term. No other notification will be sent.
  • 2. Monthly Direct Debit
    We accept payment of a particular school term’s fees by four instalments during that term which would be taken on or after the 3rd of each month. The Autumn Term is collected in August, September, October and November; Spring Term in December (as soon after the end of term as possible), January, February and March; Summer Term in April, May, June and July. Parents have the option to pay for tuition fees only by Direct Debit or tuition fees and all extras. Please indicate your preference on the direct debit form

Paying by Direct Debit

To pay your fees by Direct Debit, please print, complete and return form below to The Bursary at the address provided as soon as possible.

Direct Debit Form

Photography Policy and Permission

Photography Policy and Permission

Please read the below extract from The Manor’s Safeguarding Policy below regarding Photographs, Recording Equipment and use of Mobile Phones and other Handheld Devices. Please then complete the Photography Permission form further down.

Extract from Safeguarding Policy

For events involving swimmers, photographs and video recording are not permitted under any circumstances.

Parents are not to use their mobile phones for any purpose in the presence of Early Years Foundation Stage children (Pre-Nursery to Reception) except where staff have advised this is appropriate. In this case, the guidelines above must be adhered to.

Please now complete the following form

Photograph Permission Agreement - Ways in which your child's image (moving or still) may be used.

1. On internal or digital display boards around the school where pupils and or their work may or may not be identified by name.

2. All pupils are photographed on entry to the school for identification purposes and for legitimate school use eg for health purposes.

3. On the school’s website and social media channels (such images will not be accompanied by a pupil’s name).

4. Distributed via the school’s promotional material, online and in advertisements (such images will not be accompanied by a pupil’s name).

5. Video recordings of drama productions will be taken to enable parents to purchase DVD’s of these events.

6. School Photographs (by an external company) for parental purchase.

7. For press use and third party use (eg a school hosting an event who may wish to use Manor photos), permission will be sought from parents on a case by case basis.

I understand that if consent is given, I may withdraw this at any time in the future by sending an email to Katherine Sherbourne -

The school uses CCTV cameras which will capture pupils around the site.

Permission for other adults to collect my child from school

Please list the names of adults who have your permission to collect your child

Trips/Circulation of Details Permissions

1. Trips

This is a permission request to cover your child being taken on school trips, as well as to swimming lessons, Forest School and sports fixtures (both in and outside of school hours) during his/her time at The Manor. This will apply for trips within the UK and we will send you details of all trips before they take place. We will inform you about each individual trip but unless your child is in Nursery or Reception, we will not trouble you for permission slips for each trip. However, for residential trips we do require your written permission (the signature of both parents is required if the trip is outside the UK). An outline of each year group's trips appears in the Parents' Handbook, though this is subject to change.

Trips during normal school hours: These are covered by the fees therefore there is no extra charge.

Residential Trips (UK and overseas): Chargeable and added to your bill.

Other Trips (voluntary/out of normal school hours): Chargeable and added to your bill.

The bus companies we use all have appropriate safety restraints (seat belts or lap belts) and the children will be expected to use them at all times, unless written permission is received from you stating otherwise.

Any child who requires an inhaler or AAI will not be allowed off site without them.

Please note that for all trips where home packed lunches are permitted, these must be nut-free.

Parents/Guardians of children in the Early Years (Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception classes) will be required to complete a signed consent form for each outing, as well as for swimming lessons.

You can, if you wish, tell the school that you do not want your child to take part in any particular school trip or off site activity.

2. Manor Association of Parents (MAP) information sharing.

The Manor uses a website called for parents to communicate with each other.

Upon arrival at the school we would like to share the contact information for both parents with the relevant Form Representatives so that they can make contact with you, introduce you to the year group and answer any questions you may have.

If you would rather we did not circulate these details we do understand and would be grateful if you could indicate this below.

Ethnic Background

All schools are now required by the Department for Education to record the ethnic background of your child and any languages spoken. To quote from their rubric “Our ethnic background describes how we think of ourselves. This may be based on many things, including, for example, our skin colour, language, culture, ancestry or family history. Ethnic background is not the same as nationality or country of birth.”

Any information you provide will be used solely to compile statistics on diversity within the School. These statistics will not allow any individual children to be identified.

Chromebook Home School Agreement

Chromebook Home School Agreement

Please click on the below link to read the agreement

The Manor Chromebook Home School Agreement

Once you have read the agreement all parents are required to please complete the Chromebook Home School Agreement Form.

E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy and Acknowledgment Form

E-Safety Agreement and Safe Use of the Internet

Please click on the link below to read the letter from our Deputy Head Pastoral with regards to safe use of the internet:

E-Safety Agreement and Safe Use of the Internet Letter

Once you have read the letter and discussed section D of our E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy with your child/ren, all parents are required to please complete this E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy Acknowledgement Form.

E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy Acknowledgement

Swimming Competency

Please complete the below Swimming Lessons form if your child is joining Reception or above. The school provides ‘noodles’ to support pupils who lack confidence.

Please be aware that The Manor takes children off site for swimming. Your child may be out of their depth in the the pool and may not be tall enough to stand, even in the shallow end.

Maths Information

Maths Information

Please could we ask all parents joining Years 1-4 to read and digest the following Maths letter – Years 1-4 Abacus Maths

Final Consent

Final Consent

Thank you for taking the time to complete the admissions forms for your child/ren. To complete the process, please print and return the below consent form.

Final Consent Form

If you have any questions at all please contact Nicole Burroughs on 01235 858462 or send an email.

Please compete the below forms if appropriate:

  1. Instrumental Music Lessons
  2. Tax-Free Childcare Scheme, Childcare Vouchers Information and Application Form
  3. School Shop Order Form
  4. Manor Association of Parents (MAP) Volunteer Form

Instrumental Music Lessons

Instrumental Music Lessons

Please read the below Music Lessons letter before completing the Instrumental Music Lessons form below.

Year 3-6 Music Lesson

Instrumental Music Lessons Form

School Shop Order Form

Tax-Free Childcare Scheme and Childcare Vouchers

Tax-Free Childcare Scheme and Childcare Vouchers

If you would like to pay for your child’s fees using Childcare Vouchers, please read the below information before completing the following application form.

Childcare Vouchers

Childcare Vouchers Application Form

Manor Association of Parents Volunteer Form

MAP Volunteer Form

The Manor Association of Parents (MAP) is the hub of our parent community which we rely on for welcoming new parents, organising and supporting social events for families, parents and children and helping with fund-raising endeavours… amongst other things! If you would like to get involved in any way, please complete this form and we will get in touch with you to see what role you could play. Thank you.

Where Next

Whole School Open Morning- Friday 15 November 2024, 10:00am – 12:00pm


To book your place, visit our admissions page or email