Please complete the below forms before your child’s first day of school. These forms are for all children joining in Years 3 to 6. Please ensure you click submit after each individual form, thank you.
1. Medical Information and Consent
2. Emergency Contacts
3. Paying School Fees
4. Paying by Direct Debit
5. Photography Policy and Permission
6. Permission for another adult to collect my child from school
7. Trips/Circulation of Details Permissions
8. Ethnic Background
9. E-safety and Acceptable Use Acknowledgment Form
10. Chromebook Agreement
11. Swimming Competency
12. Final Consent Form – to be printed and returned to The Manor
To pay your fees by Direct Debit, please print, complete and return form below to The Bursary at the address provided as soon as possible.
Photography Policy and Permission
Please read the below extract from The Manor’s Safeguarding Policy below regarding Photographs, Recording Equipment and use of Mobile Phones and other Handheld Devices. Please then complete the Photography Permission form further down.
Extract from Safeguarding Policy
For events involving swimmers, photographs and video recording are not permitted under any circumstances.
Parents are not to use their mobile phones for any purpose in the presence of Early Years Foundation Stage children (Pre-Nursery to Reception) except where staff have advised this is appropriate. In this case, the guidelines above must be adhered to.
Please now complete the following form
Please list the names of adults who have your permission to collect your child
Chromebook Home School Agreement
Please click on the below link to read the agreement
The Manor Chromebook Home School Agreement
Once you have read the agreement all parents are required to please complete the Chromebook Home School Agreement Form.
E-Safety Agreement and Safe Use of the Internet
Please click on the link below to read the letter from our Deputy Head Pastoral with regards to safe use of the internet:
E-Safety Agreement and Safe Use of the Internet Letter
Once you have read the letter and discussed section D of our E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy with your child/ren, all parents are required to please complete this E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy Acknowledgement Form.
Maths Information
Please could we ask all parents joining Years 1-4 to read and digest the following Maths letter – Years 1-4 Abacus Maths
Final Consent
Thank you for taking the time to complete the admissions forms for your child/ren. To complete the process, please print and return the below consent form.
If you have any questions at all please contact Nicole Burroughs on 01235 858462 or send an email.
Instrumental Music Lessons
Please read the below Music Lessons letter before completing the Instrumental Music Lessons form below.
Tax-Free Childcare Scheme and Childcare Vouchers
If you would like to pay for your child’s fees using Childcare Vouchers, please read the below information before completing the following application form.