Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Year 3 Viking Day

1st March 2018

On Tuesday the cold winds blew in a host of Vikings to The Barn at The Manor. Year 3 were dressed in an array of furs, shiny helmets, boots and long dresses, some with their pretend axes and shields,  others with plaits flying.

See the photos here 

They became crafts people learning from the mistresses in the village. They created wax candles, Thor’s hammer pendants, mixed soot ink to write rune messages, made brooch moulds and clay runes that they stored in cotton bags they had sewn. Over the day they spread ‘gossip’, heard tales around the fire and learnt how to fire a bow and arrow and use shields in defence. 

After an exciting afternoon at an archaeological dig, the snow swept around the Vikings as they returned to their homelands.

Where Next

Whole School Open Morning- Friday 15 November 2024, 10:00am – 12:00pm


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