Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Pre-season Cricket with ex-England Captain

26th April 2018

The summer term has brought a new sport to the Manor in cricket. Children in years 1 to 6 experienced a fabulous day skills of and games with Manor PE staff and ex-England women’s cricket captain, Charlotte Edwards.
The day focused on introducing batting and bowling techniques and helping the children develop an understanding of the game’s rules. Year 1 and 2 experienced some fast-paced cricket through the game Rapid-Fire which encouraged batters to hit the ball into gaps and fielders to work together as a team. The following day, Year 1 were able to showcase the skills they had learnt on Sunday in their games lesson. 
Years 3 to 6 began the day with fielding focused warm ups, before beginning a batting workshop with Charlotte Edwards. Within this hour, grip, stance and pick up were explored while striking a stationary or moving ball. It was great to see the girls work together to help each other develop and provide accurate feeds for their partner. The batting mantra quickly became ‘step, swing, smash it!’, and they certainly did!
The afternoon began with bowling, focusing on the importance of a straight arm and how to bowl accurately. The girls were also introduced to paired cricket and how they might play a game against another school.
The weather remained fantastic throughout the day and many were able to pick up an autograph as well. A big thank you must go to the PE Department, along with Charlotte Edwards, for organising the day. 

Mr Andy Roberts
Head of Boys’ Sport


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