Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.

Roche Court Sculpture Park

25th March 2019

On Thursday 14th March, Year 5 set off for Roche Court near Salisbury in high winds and driving rain – the weather did not look promising! Still, the children were in good spirits and the teacher checks on weather apps suggested spring sunshine was on its way.
Once there, we were welcomed by friendly and well informed guides whose enthusiasm quickly infected us all. A quick snack and then we were off, exploring the stories and making behind the 60 or so amazing sculptures in this wonderful sculpture park. Positioned on the side of a gentle valley in the middle of rolling countryside, the curation of these works draws the eye to the natural environment and formal parks, as well as the stunning Artist’s House. Our children were absolutely amazing, throwing themselves into the day with real enthusiasm and interest. And, when the promised sunshine finally arrived it certainly helped us to enjoy the experience even more.
Particular wow moments were The Large left Handed Drummer by Barry Flanagan (the biggest hare you have ever seen!), the striking Invisible Man by Zak Ove and Richard Long’s Tame Buzzard Line.
The Roche Court team could not praise our children enough. They really impressed both teachers and guides with their searching thoughts and ideas. All the children contributed brilliantly to discussions, busily made notes and sketched what they saw. The questions they asked about the sculptures revealed very mature thinking. 
It was a joy to share this adventure with such fantastically well-behaved children. Thank you to them for a great day out.
Sue Side
Head of Art

Where Next


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