1st July 2020
The last three months have been an unprecedented experience for the Year 6 pupils at The Manor Prep School in Abingdon. The COVID-19 pandemic saw schools across the UK forced to close and children continue their education remotely from home.
But this hasn’t quashed the spirit of our Year 6’s. Despite their school being closed, they embraced the challenge of remote learning, overcoming their disappointment at missing their long-awaited residential trip to France, their final play and hosting the school fete.
With all that they have faced during lockdown, we are even more proud of our pupils and delighted to be able to announce that our Year 6’s will be moving on to a wide range of wonderful senior schools including The School of St Helen and St Katharine, Oxford High, Headington, Cokethorpe, Cranford House, Pangbourne College, Didcot Girls’ School and Clifton High.
This year, our 35 Year 6 pupils were awarded 9 Scholarships, Exhibitions and Awards between them across a variety of disciplines, ranging from Academic, Sport and Art Scholarships through to prizes in Maths and Science.
Headmaster Alastair Thomas said…
“We are immensely proud of the amazing results attained by our children. As an academically non-selective school, the achievements are all the more outstanding. Congratulations must be given to our wonderfully dedicated staff and our exceptionally talented children.”
For the last few weeks of term, it has been a joy to be allowed to welcome back many of the children before we break up for the summer holidays – especially our Year 6’s. They have been enjoying seeing their friends and teachers again and we hope to be able to celebrate their time at The Manor with a ‘proper send-off’ later in the year.
We would like to say an enormous “Well done!” to all of The Manor’s pupils during this difficult time and applaud their commitment to online learning and their resilience. We wish our Year 6’s the very best of luck in their senior schools.